So much advice!
Have you been thinking about starting a blog? It is easy to get totally overwhelmed with all the advice, courses, e-books and articles out there. I have spent the last few months reading all the blogs, taking all the free courses, some of the paid courses, downloading lists, reading articles, watching videos, listening to podcasts…you name it, I’ve tried it!
If you think that sounds overwhelming, you’re right! My brain probably looks like swiss cheese, at least that’s what it feels like. I have been trying to wrap my head around all the information out there. There is so much available and everyone tries to sound like an expert, but not everyone is!
I have narrowed my list of must read blogs down recently and thought I would share them with you. If you are just getting started in the blogging world these are some great place to start reading and learning from. If you are going to spend money on courses I have included a few that I highly recommend too.
The Best Blogging Blogs for Bloggers
Meera Kothand – I really love reading Meera’s blog. She has a TON of information available and it is all free! She talks about e-mail lists, marketing, productivity and so much more! Her resource page is extensive and the few times I have exchanged e-mails with her I have been blown away by her knowledge.
Twins Mommy – Elna Cain writes about blogging, freelance writing, and being a mom to twins. Her site is beautiful to look at and fun to read. I really enjoyed her post about Mompreneurs to follow and this post about commenting on other blogs.
Money Saving Mom – It might seem funny to have a money saving site on a list about starting a blog, but I love the way that Crystal writes about blogging and business. She is honest and funny and real. She has some great posts on How to Make Money Blogging that really inspired me to get started on my own blog.
Soul Paint Co – Amy Jo has created some great freebies and offers a free Discovery Call that I took advantage of a few weeks ago. She was so helpful! I found her questions to really help me focus on WHAT I wanted to offer and WHO I wanted to offer it to. I have decided to continue working with her on a monthly basis cause we all need a little clarity in our lives.
The Badass Business Mum – Laura has been focusing on Pinterest lately. Both her blog and Facebook group have been a wealth of information about how to work Pinterest to your advantage. I love reading about her experiments and have learned a ton!
Worthwhile Courses for Bloggers
Building a Framework – Abby from Just a Girl and her Blog has written a great program for those just starting out. It includes worksheets, videos, audio and a step by step guide to walk you through it all. It is a great introduction to building your blog from the ground up. I am still working my way through all the information!
Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing – I decided to sign up for this course not really knowing if I was going to do affiliate marketing. Michelle of Making Sense of Cents really opened my eyes to the possibilities that were out there. I love how she lays it all out and makes it so easy to get started. Plus, her focus on being real and helpful to people instead of sales-y really spoke to me.
by Regina – I have been working my way through Regina’s free Infopreneur in 5 e-mail course. SO MUCH INFORMATION! I have literally saved the e-mail so that I can work through them a second time to get as much out of it as humanly possible. I can’t believe she offers so much in a free course.
Melyssa Griffin – Talk about one smart lady! She is most famous for Pinfinite Growth and List Surge but I have been taking Blog to Biz Hive and loving it! It’s not open for enrollment anymore, but I will let you know if she opens again. Her Facebook community is one of my favorite groups too.
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Hey Emma, awesome roundup! Some of my favourite ladies are in here too. Thanks so much for including me. I loved chatting blogging with you. Off to share and pin this 🙂
Thanks for sharing Meera! Hope to talk to you again soon!
Thanks so much for mentioning my site! I’m so humbled to be included with all these other blogging experts!
I love Laura’s site too! And you know what? She’s also a mom to twins!
More twins? I don’t know how you all do it!
Thanks for checking this out!