Best Business Ideas for Kids
It used to be that kids set up a lemonade stand on their front lawn to make some pocket change. Now it is easier for kids to start a real business that can make much more than pocket change!
My children have done a variety of things to make money. Setting up their own table of toys to sell at our yard sale. Making and selling muffins at the farmer’s market. And when they were very young they decorated small wooden tops and set up a table in our front yard. They even made the cutest advertisement for me to put on Facebook.
Maisie has started a business. She and Patrick decorated some wooden tops and they are selling them out front. This is their ad.
Posted by Emma Bates on Thursday, June 12, 2014
None of these made them much money, but were great lessons in everything from math to supply and demand. If your child is itching to make their own money encourage them to think of something that people around them need and then go from there.
Your child will need a lot of help and support in the beginning but it is amazing to see how they can take on personal responsibility when they feel ownership over a business. Remember, only leave your child alone with people you trust and make sure they always have a way to contact you when they are working alone.
There are a ton of business ideas for kids out there but here is a list to help them get started figuring out what they want offer. Some of these are for any age entrepreneur and some are geared towards teenagers.
The big list of kids business ideas
Academic Tutor
If you kids is really good at a subject and can explain it to others this can be a great business. There are programs they can see about joining or start a business of there own.
Social Media Management
If your kids is always online have them put it to good use! Social Media Management is a great business for the social media savvy young person. They can get training from many different online courses.
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I know my kids LOVE to make videos. They are always begging for my phone to do tours of the house or report on an event. If your kids has a passion help them set up their own YouTube channel and film simple videos about it. You can create an Adsense account that will connect with YouTube and let you add money making ads to the videos.
Etsy Store
An Etsy store is simple to run and pretty inexpensive. If your child loves to craft, help them to brainstorm a product idea and build a store.
Craft Market
Similar to the Etsy store but on a more local scale. Check your area for craft markets and help your child to set up a table to display their wares. It can be helpful to encourage them to make a variety of things and see what is popular. They might be surprised to see what people actually want to buy.
This is my daughter’s favorite business model by far. She loves to bake muffins and set up at our local farmer’s market. We are lucky to have a small market in our town that is welcoming to everyone. Bigger markets are more stringent with their admission policies. You child can always advertise with flyers and take orders instead.
eBay Seller
Have your child sell their old toys or gently worn clothes on eBay. If they get into it they can offer to sell their friend’s things for a percentage. They can even scout out flea markets or yard sales for things to sell.
Lawn Care
If you live in a neighborhood this can be an easy business to set up. Have them create a flyer to give to neighbors listing times they are available plus prices and contact information.
The Big List of Business Ideas for Kids

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Dog Walker/Pet Sitter
The perfect business for the animal lover. Getting to hang out with pets while getting paid can be a dream come true if your kid loves animals.
Babysitter/Mother’s Helper
We have a lovely young women who lives up the street and has been a Mother’s Helper for us the last two summers. Having a responsible young person who can come with us to the beach is the only reason I get through two weeks of daily swim lessons each summer. Our local Red Cross offers a babysitter safety course which is a great certification for your child to get if they want to offer babysitting services.
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Music Lessons
If your child has been taking music lessons for years they are probably good enough to teach beginners. You might have them check with their local music store about offering lessons through the store or they can teach out of your home.
Computer Tutor
If your child is patient they can offer to teach computer skills to the elderly. Many local libraries and senior centers have members that would like to use the computers but don’t have all the skills they need.
Shuttle Service
Once your child has been driving for a while and proven their responsibility they could offer to be the chauffeur for local kids who need to get to and from practices or lessons. Or drive older people to the grocery store or doctors appointments.
Paper Route
Did you know this was even still a thing?? There are plenty of papers still offering kids the opportunity to have a paper route so check with your local newspaper.
Magic Shows
Got a budding magician on your hands? They can be the entertainment at birthday parties or local fundraisers!
Face Painter
Another service that kids can offer at birthday parties or events.
Cartoon Portraits
There is a wonderful local girl that offers cartoon portraits at our small town events. In 15 minutes she creates a fun picture of you to take home. If your kids loves to draw this might be a great way for them to make some money from it.
Wash Cars
Much like lawn mowing this is a great service to offer to neighbors. They can offer to bring their own tools and soap so all the neighbor needs is a dirty car.
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Shovel Snow
In our area this is a great business to offer. Everyone needs snow moved, from small businesses to neighbors. All you need is a snow shovel to get started.
Rake Leaves
This one is seasonal but combined it with lawn mowing and snow shoveling and you can cover the whole year!
Stack Wood
Not all parts of the country need stacks of wood to keep warm all winter but if you are in a cold climate this can be a great business prospect. Stacking wood is back breaking and I know tons of people who would love to delegate this task out.
Holiday Gift Wrapper
This can be a great way for your child to make some money before the holiday season. They can offer to wrap at people’s houses or maybe even set up at a local gift shop.
Voice Over Artist
I didn’t even know this job existed until I read a blog post (that I can’t find now) about a mom whose kids were making pretty good money doing voice over work. There are tons of ways to break in to this business, check out this article for more info.
The Big List of Business Ideas for Kids

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These are great! Mine are really little now, but I want to teach them to respect money.
I love seeing what my kids come up with for business ideas! Have fun when your kids get older!
These are great ideas! I think this is a great way to teach kids responsibility and work ethic. Nice post!
Thanks Kimberly!