Everyone says to set goals but…
Do you ever get overwhelmed with goal setting?
I mean, goals are easy to set but hard to break down right? You make all these grand plans about what you’re going to get done and then forget all about them in your day to day life.
And then you get discouraged.
You think you’re just not the type of person who can set and achieve goals. (I’m not just describing myself, right?)
Well, it’s time to break the cycle!
A new way to look at things
Last month I bought a new book. I read about it in a blogging Facebook group and thought I would give it a try.
The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months has changed my life.
I actually can’t believe it has only been a month since I read the book. I’ve been focused, organized and productive like never before.
I’ve actually gotten more done than I ever thought possible.
If you haven’t heard of The 12 Week Year, it is a book by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington. The basic premise is that by setting short term goals and breaking them down in to do-able chunks you can get a lot more done then by setting long term goals.
It was written for business people and large companies but don’t let that stop you from reading it. It can be easily adapted to personal or small business use.
From the book jacket:
“This is not a book of theory. The 12 Week Year has been vetted by thousands of clients and hundreds of companies, and is backed by years of real life experience. In this groundbreaking book, the authors unlock the simple secret to help you accomplish more.
What differentiates truly great performers and organizations from mediocre ones is an ability to effectively execute on what they know. There is a gap for most of us between what we know we should do, and what we are actually willing to do. This knowing-doing gap is what keeps most people and most companies from accomplishing what they are capable of.
The 12 Week Year incorporates the proven disciplines and principles of effective execution into the context of 12-week execution cycles. In the book, you’ll discover how to develop clarity and focus on what matters most and a healthy sense of urgency to get it done.”
RELATED POST: Goal Setting Worksheet for Moms
Why we often fail
Failure to achieve your goals is not a problem with your goals, it is a problem with your execution.
The 12 Week Year makes the point that doing something new and difficult requires uncomfortable tasks. When you are uncomfortable doing something it is easy to put off the task, even though in the long term it would make things better for you.
Setting up a plan for the next 12 weeks helps you to stay focused on what the uncomfortable tasks will help you to achieve.
It really is about setting new habits and creating accountability.
Accountability is not what you think
Speaking of accountability…one of the best quotes from the book is:
“Accountability is not consequences; it’s ownership.”
No one can hold you accountable. Being accountable is choosing everyday to do the hard tasks to get where you want to go. You have to own your behavior and make the choices that will move you in the right direction.
That doesn’t mean you have to work alone!
I’ve found a wonderful new partner to check in with every week. The book encourages finding someone to work with and talk through problems with.
We set up a Facebook group for just the two of us and check in through out the week. Then on Monday mornings we Skype for about an hour to go over our plan and talk about what worked and what didn’t during the last week.
RELATED POST: How to Plan Your Perfect Year
How I’m making The 12 Week Year work for me
I’ve been using my business Bullet Journal for my 12 Week Year tracking. As you can see I have one page per week that I divide in half.
The top half of the page is for tasks that are important to my 12 week goal and take priority.
The bottom of my page is where I list weekly tasks that should get done but don’t help my big goal.
I have created a two page spread with all 12 weeks listed out by date where I can add future tasks.
Then my big projects each get a two page spread where I can plan, make lists, and see all aspects at once.
This whole process has helped me to focus on my priorities and which tasks will make an actual difference in reaching my goals.
Before I would just make a list and work on it willy-nilly. I would often get distracted by things online or tasks that were quick but not important.
Now, I am focused and know what is most important for getting to my goals.
So, if you are struggling with reaching those big goals you set, check out The 12 Week Year and figure what is most important in your life.
Stay on task with this Goal Setting Worksheet

Grab this free printable worksheet and plan out that one big goal for the day!
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